Monday, 13 June 2016

Aim of advertisement and its various mediums

Advertisement is a medium by which a product or service are promoted by companies, agencies and other organizations with a view to create market for them by creating buyers. The promotion is done by persuasive messages to support or sell the product or services.  The aim of every advertisement medium is to create market for the product to increase its sale.  The persuasion by advertisement enables customers to form an opinion about the product and help customers to reach a decision. The salient features of the product, its advantages over competitors products and how will it help the consumers are promoted to increase sale of products

One of the most potent forms of advertisement, which is still used by all companies, big or small, is use of the print media.  This involves printing ads messages with photos and image of the product or services, on newspapers, magazines and other periodical often read by people. The advertisement is printed on Printing Press in Mumbai the periodicals which are widely read by the public and have large circulations. The cost of ads depends on the size being covered by the ads and position of the ad in the paper or magazine.

Outdoor advertisement is other form of publicity used by companies increase the visibility of their products. It is used in forms of billboards, hoarding, kiosks, and posters. The places most frequented by the general public are used to advertise the products. The hotel, shops, malls and large number of consumer goods companies indulged in this outdoor form of advertisement to gain visibility of their newly launched products.  Railways stations, bus stops, metro stations, highways, and roundabouts are the favorite places for putting hoarding. The increasing use of LED lighting has made billboards and hoarding attractive at nights. The latest trend in outdoor advertisement has been to use entire metro as a form of Printing Agencies in Mumbai billboard to catch hundreds of thousands of eyeballs.

Digital advertisement, sending messages through emails, SMS, are the new tools which are increasing being used by the companies. As the spread of use of internet increases, the digital form of advertisement will become more effective as, it will directly target the consumer. Some innovative companies are keeping track of the search history of the internet uses and then utilizing the information to send related ads to the user through Smartphone.   Mostly ecommerce companies are resorting to digital ads of their own or of other companies by giving space on their sites.

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